Thursday, January 29, 2009

So, basically I'm going to write about whatever comes to mind. This may be completely scattered and confusing, but oh well.

I was accepted to my first choice college, so that stress is gone. But now the senioritis is kicking in and it's only January. A new semester started last Wednesday, and I'm liking my new classes a lot. Except I became accustomed to leaving at 2:00. Now I have to stay until 3:30 for cooking.


1.) AP English Literature.
2.) Library Aide.
3.) AP Human Geography.
4.) Food Service I.

I've been feeling really bad lately because I haven't spent time with my grandparents in a really long time.

One of my mom's co-workers has a son in the seventh grade who needs help with math, so I'm going to tutor him. I'm exicted for that.

I'm as sick as a dog, but it's stupid to miss school because making up work is 10 times harder than just sitting through the school day. My mom did a throat culture to test for strep but it has to sit for a day, so if I do have it, I won't get my anit-biotics until tomorrow.

For AP English, we are reading Frankenstein, and the way that Mary Shelley writes is KILLING me. She uses so many unnecessary words that just make the meaning harder to undersand.

Claire's mom found out I sent Claire a birthday cake and she is not happy. If her mom doesn't let her talk to us, I'll be angry and sad.

It's also Bella's 17th birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, again.

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