Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Scattered and Stressed.

Okay. Not to bitch, but things just aren't going my way.

I stayed home sick from school for the first time in a while on Monday, leaving me behind in my classes. I have a huge AP Calculus test tomorrow, 2 final drafts due tomorrow, and an oral speech in AP English. If you didn't know, I am not could with expressing myself verbally. I prefer using written words. So this speech is stressing me out.

Oh, and I'm still sick.

So today, I was walking to my car in the parking lot and notice that my tire is a little flat--turns out it was very flat and the ride home didn't help any.. So when my dad got home, he and my brother went to about 4 gas stations--all which find it acceptable to not have any air in their pumps. So, my car is in the back of a gas station parking lot.

Now I have to get up 45 minutes early tomorrow and take my mom to work so I have transportation to and from school.

Finally, while printing my papers tonight, the printer decides it is gonna spaz out and run out of black ink. So it took me an hour to fix that and print out my papers--which are printed in navy blue. Haha.

I know this whole blog is very scattered and confusing, but I just need to get this out and I have no other outlet.

AND, I have been singing the song "Roses" by OutKast since Saturday. That song makes me giggle. : )

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