Friday, May 22, 2009

French Onion.

This will most definitely be a random entry.

First off. I GOT MRAZ TICKETS. For July 25th. Huzzah.

All AP tests are over, finally. I don't know if I've said it here yet, but I'm attending Bridgewater College in the Fall. Majoring in Physics/Mathematics. I cannot believe that I graduate in 13 days. It's mind-boggling. I have a feeling it's going to be really hot in the gym. I'd love to know who decided to cram 1,000 people into a gym without air conditioning.

I'm kind of really excited for summer and time to relax. I bought 5 new dresses, which is unusual for me. I'm reading this highly addictive series "House of Night." The writing is kind of mediocre, but I can't put it down. Twitter is becoming insanely popular. For example, it has been a "category" and "question" on Jeopardy in the past two weeks. I convinced my dad to make an account, but he doesn't like it.

I'm writing my final term paper, one Jane Eyre and I literally spent 10 out of the 12 hours I've been in school in the past two days working on my rough draft. I'll be very thankful when it's over.

I know most people hate Summer t.v., but it's my favorite time of the year for television. I really like The Universe, How It's Made, and How Do They Do It? For some reason, they remind me of summer. And I know this sounds weird, but I'm really excited cause my sheets are freshly cleaned. It's one of the best things in the world. Brooke is spending the night on Sunday night. She hasn't been over in a long time.

Well, this was insanely random. :)

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