Thursday, December 4, 2008

I need to stop.

Okay, so basically I work my ass off in school. Everyday, everynight. And this morning I realized that I'm taking it to the extreme. I need to slow down.

I am so effing sick of working my butt off on homework that my English teacher does not even grade. It was okay in the beginning of the year, but the semester is 2/3 of the way over and it's still happening. And it's not like I can say anything to her. And I really like her as a teacher and a person, but she needs to realize the effort her students--well at least me--put into her assignments.

My father has been telling me this for the past 2 years, but it took the insight of a hilbilly in Calculus--obviously an intellignet hilbilly--to confirm the fact that I work way too hard, with small reward.

On a happy note.

I am so excited for Christmas this year. The season is so full of happiness and love. Oh, and not to be arrogant, but our house looks banging during Christmas time.

: ) Lauren.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Moby Dick.

Okay, first of all, I did not create this blog just to bitch. However, this subject has been taking up way too much of my time.

America needs to assign a new "Great American Novel." Moby Dick puts our country to shame. Herman Melville writes chapters completely irrelevant to the plot. For example, a freakin' WHALE DIRECTORY in the middle of the story. What the heck?

I'm a reader, always have been. However, I cannot get interested in this book for the life of me. So, I am reading a summary of the next 40 chapters online, and will read it when the plot starts up again. Stupid book.

: )