Friday, October 16, 2009


List of stuff that has pissed me off today:

Computer. I was on Facebook last night, and some kid from my Chemistry class sent me a message. Being a dumbass, I clicked the link. So now, my laptop has like 32 Trojans and a bunch of other shit on it. Tomorrow, my mom and I are going to Office Max to buy protective software.

Roommate. This morning, my roommate and her friend were in our room. And they were complaining about their PDP teacher. "She's such a bitch. Doesn't she know that she offends us when she says shit like that?" Stuff of that nature. So, Amanda (my roommate's friend) was like, "Lauren, do you have anything to complain about?" Samantha quickly replies, "No, she has a perfect life." And I just scoff. She's like, she doesn't have to worry about all of this boyfriend shit. Yeah, I've just been alone for 18 years. It's so much better than a few relationship problems. That was sarcasm, obviously.

I don't show my emotions when I'm around her, or anyone on campus for that matter. I just act happy all the time, like nothing's wrong. She has no idea how hard MY classes are. And if I try to say something, she changes the subject to something about herself. It just gets old.

My entire life consists of homework, going to class, eating, sleeping, and talking to my friends online. That's another thing, she doesn't know about my online friends, I talk about them, but she doesn't ask questions or anything. I think she thinks they live back at home.

Wet clothes. I despise wet clothes. Socks, pants, hoods. Just, ugh. It's been raining for like 4 days straight. I was hoping it wouldn't be as bad when I got home, but the weather is the same here as it is at school. Oh, and it's supposed to snow tomorrow, which is good, but it's friggin' October. I'm not used to snow until after Thanksgiving.

Chemistry. We got midterm grades today. I have a D+. I've never gotten below a B. End of story.

I don't think I'm gonna proofread this blog. Yeah, I'm not going to.

Tomorrow night, I'm going laser bowling with Brooke and Brenden. Then on Sunday, we're going to the pumpkin patch. Hopefully these things will cheer me up. Then, I'm heading back to campus to study more.

I think I'm gonna print out Chem. help sheets or extra notes. Cause I just need to get that grade up. And it's not like I don't try, cause believe me, I do.
