Friday, February 27, 2009

110 About Me. :)

1. My name is Lauren.

2. If I could meet anyone in the world, it'd be Paula Deen.

3. I am pale and have no desire to be tan. Plus, I burn very easily.

4. I have no desire to drink, smoke, or do drugs.

5. I feel lazy if I just sit around the house for a day.

6. I will be attending Bridgewater College in the fall. My major is Physics/Mathematics.

7. Jason Mraz's music is perfect. End of story.

8. Teal is my favorite color. Dark teal, not aqua.

9. I really, really, reallyx7 want to visit Montana.

10. Augustana is my favorite band of all time. They're amazing.

11. My Blogtv/Twitter name is x3airhead. It has NOTHING to do with my level of intelligence.

12. I HATE wet socks.

13. My eyes are extremely sensitive to the light.

14. If I could marry Alton Brown, I probably would.

15. I have formed some of the closest friendships of my life with people I met on BlogTV.

16. The Food Network is my absolute favorite channel. I'm addicted to it.

17. I am strongly opinionated, but I don't force my opinions on others.

18. I am a Library Aid at my school. I enjoy it a lot.

19. I like peace signs. A lot.

20. I want a navy blue or charcoal Nissan Altima.

21. Just Listen by Sarah Dessen is my favorite Young Adult book.

22. I'm addicted to Diet Coke. It's kind of a problem.

23. Most of the time, I'd rather be alone than with others.

24. When I'm with a lot of people, I tend to keep to myself.

25. My favorite book in general is The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath.

26. To some I may seem like an angry person. But it's just that immature people annoy me.

27. I have very strong political views. And I believe what I believe and not a lot can change that.

28. I love driving on back roads.

29. I'm not very talkative. Most of the time.

30. Some people say that you are either a English or a math/science person. I consider myself both.

31. My current ringtone is "Seven Nation Army" by the White Stripes.

32. I hate when radio stations cut off the beginnings and endings of songs.

33. I appreciate all that my parents give me.

34. I enjoy rainy days more than sunny days.

35. When texting, typing, or anything of that sort, I always type with proper grammar and punctuation. Because if I didn't and tried to type an essay, I would fail.

36. I love cold weather.

37. I am proud of my academic achievements. I've worked VERY hard to be where I am.

38. I've learned a lot, but still have a lot to learn.

39. I hate Monday mornings.

40. My favorite Taylor Swift song is "You're Not Sorry." It's beautiful.

41. Chinese is my favorite foriegn cuisine.

42. Cooking relaxes me more than anything.

43. I enjoy cleanliness. Wait, actually, I strongly prefer it.

44. I am not very good at showing my anger.

45. I love going to the grocery store.

46. I am a nerd to the core.

47. I don't expect a lot from others. I've learned that if I need something done, most of the time I have to do it myself.

48. My grandma's death made me realize that I grieve differently. Really don't wanna get into that.

49. Whenever I hear the song "It's a Great Day to Be Alive" by Travis Tritt, my day instantly improves.

50. I heart Vitamin Water.

51. I'd rather be in a t-shirt and sweatpants than dressed up. Most of the time, sometimes I like to dress up.

52. I find Michael Jackson's current appearance to be frightening.

53. The Green Bay Packers are my favorite NFL team. Always have been and always will be.

54. I am fascinated by Stonehenge.

55. I'm a redneck, but I am an extremely un-racist person.

56. It irritates me when people curse for no reason.

57. In my opinion, "Moby Dick" was the most atrocious book in the history of literature.

58. My music collection varies drastically.

59. If I could remember how to read sheet music, I would be able to play my keyboard. But unfortunately, I forget.

60. I wish I could sing, but I am extremely tone-deaf.

61. My dad and I constantly argue about the stupidest things. Like whether saffron is red or yellow.

62. I am very glad my dad got to see Brett Favre play at Lambeau Field before he retired.

63. I once spent an entire Friday night on Wikipedia looking through the Seven World Wonders and possible Eighth World Wonders.

64. Brooke Leigh is my best friend in the entire world. She has been since the first grade.

65. When I think of my childhood, I imagine myself at my Grandma Thelma's house.

66. I love my parents. A lot.

67. I hate sympathy.

68. Grammar mistakes bother me.

69. I just learned how to ride a bike a few years ago.

70. I say the word "hooker" frequently.

71. I cannot smile on command. When I do, it's pathetic.

72. I hate waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.

73. I am addicted to shampoo.

74. I'm still in shock about Heath Ledger's death. I don't think the feeling will ever dissolve.

75. I used to consider him the best looking man on the planet.

76. I cut out words from magazine's and make collages on my bedroom doors and bulletin boards.

77. I have an icon xanga site.

78. I know it's weird, but I enjoy peeling off sunburn.

79. I am not willing to spend a lot of money on fashion items.

80. Pineapple is my favorite food in the world.

81. I love when a song gives me goosebumps.

82. I love the show "Good Eats."

83. I enjoy knowing stupid facts that no one else cares about.

84. I have a blanket that I always sleep with. I got it a few years ago. It's incredible.

85. I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow.

86. The movie "The Incredibles" makes me VERY happy.

87. I watch Jeopardy with my parents every single evening.

88. I have an unnecessary amount of pillows on my bed. Eleven to be exact.

89. I'm addicted to Stride Forever Fruit gum.

90. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.

91. I love cooking. Especially for others.

92. I love the natural color of my hair.

93. I hate talking on the telephone.

94. I have had A.D.H.D. since the first grade. Without my medicine, I couldn't concentrate to save my life.

95. Animated movies are my favorite.

96. I hate when a good book is ruined when someone tries to make it into a movie.

97. I think every guy looks good in a plain white long sleeve t-shirt.

98. Maturity and intelligence are the first things I look for in a guy. Looks are about the last.

99. I love mango smoothies from Panera Bread.

100. I love plaid with a passion.

101. The shampoo I use the most is Herbal Essences' Drama Clean.

102. I find myself to be more responsible than most teenagers.

103. I write in cursive most of the time.

104. I'd rather be cold than hot.

105. Unlike most people, I don't want to be famous. I don't like large crowds or a lot of attention.

106. I am used to sugar-free products. I can't taste the difference. And the people who say they can, I think most of it is psychological.

107. My dad wants me to be a psychologist, he's insane.

108. People who try to impress people by talking loud on their cell phones bother me more than anything.

109. I don't wear clothes that are uncomfortable. If I want dress clothes, they have to be comfortable as well.

110. I love the feeling that I get when I am tutoring/teaching/helping someone with school work and they finally understand it.